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"Magic?! We don't need no stinkin' magic!!"

-Barbarian Guildleader Agonar.

Magic is a process of changing the world through willworking and manipulation of mana. It is the primary special ability system for the majority of Guilds in DragonRealms; every guild but Barbarians, Thieves and (currently) Traders has some spells they teach their members in order to accomplish their goals.

Magic Skills

For magical guilds, most of the abilities in the Supernatural skillset will be trained through (and required for) spellcasting. Individual spells train and require different skills depending on their effect:

  • The Augmentation skill governs spells that improve your skills, capabilities or characteristics.
  • The Warding skill governs spells that create magical defenses or barriers.
  • The Debilitation skill governs spells that reduce the skills, capabilities or characteristics of your enemies.
  • The Targeted Magic skill governs spells that cause direct harm to your foes.
  • The Utility skill governs spells that have generally useful effects not falling into another category.

Some spells may fall into multiple categories, in which case they train both skills and contest the lower skill.

In addition, the Primary Magic skill acts as a mastery skill for all five fields of magic, and the Attunement skill governs your ability to sense and harness mana and thus your capacity to power spells.

Spells that use a mana type other than your attuned mana are especially difficult to cast (see Magical Theory) and do not benefit from your Primary Magic skill. Instead, they use the Sorcery skill as a mastery skill, and contest the lower of your Sorcery skill and your skill in the specific field. (In other words, if your Sorcery skill is lower than your other skills, it will limit all your other skills to its level when casting non-attuned spells.)

Learning Spells

Most spells are learned directly from your Guildmaster. Each spell has certain prerequisites, such as knowing other spells already or having attained a specific circle; they also cost a certain number of spell slots based on how much the spell does. Generally, buffing a specific skill or attribute is worth one slot, as well as modifications such as affecting multiple targets. Spell slots are gained as you circle at different rates depending on your Supernatural skillset placement:

Level Range Primary Secondary Tertiary
1-20 Every Level Every 2 Levels
21-50 Every Level Every 2 Levels
51-100 Every 2 Levels
101-150 Every 3 Levels
151-200 Every 10 Levels

Casting Spells

Casting a spell is at least a two-step process. First you must PREPARE the spell, specifying an amount of mana you intend to power it with. Note that you will not actually harness any mana at this point, and you may add more mana later by harnessing it; see below. Each spell has a minimum amount of mana below which it will not form successfully and a maximum amount above which additional mana cannot be added; your prepare amount must fall between these two levels. If your skill is too low to cast a spell using even the minimum amount of mana, you will be unable to prepare the spell. Preparing the spell pattern completely takes a certain amount of time depending on the spell; however, you may short-circuit these preparations by casting early, if you wish.

Once your preparations are complete (or you wish to cast early), simply CAST the spell, specifying your targets as you do so. At this point you will actually harness the specified amount of mana and create the specified effect. In addition, any other sources of mana (see below) may contribute to the spell pattern, up to the maximum amount. The effectiveness of a spell depends on the amount of mana used to power it; in turn, your ability to channel mana into a spell is determined by your relevant magic skills and the amount of time spent preparing it. If you attempt to use too much mana, or cast too quickly for the amount of mana being used, you will backfire, and the spell will fail.

Your spellcasting skill can be penalized by a variety of factors. Injuries (especially nerve damage) are a major factor, as well as whether you are in combat while trying to cast (though see Battle, below). In certain cases, you may also gain a bonus from the use of an appropriate foci.

Alternate Mana Sources

In addition to the base amount of mana used when preparing a spell, you will automatically attempt to add other available mana when casting. The two most common sources of additional mana are harnessing and cambrinth. Both harnessing mana using HARNESS and charging cambrinth using CHARGE are more efficient in terms of attunement than straight casting; thus, when casting very expensive spells, it may be wise to prepare at a smaller level than you intend to cast at and make up the difference with harnessing or cambrinth. Be careful, however, as this additional mana can push you over the level at which you can cast without backfiring.

Spell Types


Spells marked Battle are designed for use in battle; they have a reduced preparation time and correspondingly shorter durations. You also do not suffer a skill penalty for casting them during combat. They tend to require less mana to be effective.


Targeted spells are the epitome of battle magic; they require no preparation at all! Instead, you must target them at a specific foe using the TARGET command. Your accuracy when casting a targeted spell is determined by your time spent targeting and your Targeted Magic skill; Primary Magic does not act as a mastery for this purpose.


Ritual spells are the antithesis of battle spells -- they require enormous amounts of mana and take a long time to prepare. Ritual spell are intended to be cast using ritual foci, which effectively reduce the amount of mana required by a significant fraction; without one, they may not be usable or practical to cast.


Cyclic spells are more complex creations that require constant upkeep to stay active. After casting a cyclic spell, it will periodically pulse, requiring mana equal to the original preparation cost from your held mana or cambrinth (or, with the Raw Channeling feat, directly from your attunement). If the mana is not available, it will collapse and cease effect. Thus, using a cyclic spell requires you to keep mana harnessed or available at all times. You may only have one cyclic spell active at a time.

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