Fall command

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Emotive and mechanical command to fall over. There are various version for role-playing, but you will end up prone.

You see: You fall over. Oof!
Others see: <Person> falls over.

FALL (while prone)
You see: That would be a neat trick, falling over while you're lying down!
Others see: <Person> twitches slightly.

FALL (while hiding)
You see: You fall out of hiding!
Others see: <Person> falls out of hiding!

FALL (standing in water)
You see: You flop down into the water with a loud *SMACK*!
Others see: <Person> flops down into the water with a loud *SMACK*!

FALL (standing in water and hidden)
You see: You flop down into the water with a loud *SMACK*!
Others see: You hear the sound of someone hitting the water with a loud *SMACK*!

FALL (while prone in water)
You see: You sink down for a moment, then float back up.
Others see: <Person> floats down to the bottom, then back up.

FALL (while prone in water and hidden)
You see: You sink down for a moment, then float back up.
Others see: You hear someone splashing about in the water.

See Also: Commands to use in the water