Category:Extraplanar ephemera

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Known Extraplanar Ephemera (13)

Amorphous jade-green chimerararedivineMisenseor AbbeyAs with all things antinomic, this many-shaped, many-souled divinity carries with it an insidious peril: It is absolutely outside the vast perception, even comprehension, of the Immortals.
Blackfire lionrareprimalChyolvea Tayeu'a
Causal aberrationrarepsychicFrozen HeavensWhen this teleologic monstrosity encounters Moon Mages, it makes them weep with existential sorrow. When it encounters living concepts of the Plane of Probability, it devours, digesting them into impossibilities and unborn abstractions.
Eyestalk glideruncommondemonicTelga OreksA single large fleshy orb slung between wet, membranous wings, the glider stays aloft with gentle flaps and an attention to air currents, almost resembling a butterfly in flight. The eye bears several pupils of various morphologies, from dual slit to rectangular, each darting around chaotically.
Living geodecommonprimalInner Hibarnhvidar
Aesry Sea Caves
The Gash
Undergondola (Frostweaver's Den)
Stone Clan
Maeldryth (ephemeron)uncommondemonicSoul of Maelshyve
Maelshyvean soulshardraredemonicSoul of Maelshyve (The Pith)A mostly inert vestige, the soulshard nonetheless seethes with Maelshyve's essence and fury-filled memories.
OmnimassraredemonicBasalt IsleVile to behold, the omnimass defies description beyond a conglomeration of body parts melded together in disharmony. No part of this entity appears comfortable with the arrangement, and it awkwardly shuffles around, seemingly unable to agree upon a direction. Multiple eyes blink in confusion, a mouth with a large toe for a tongue grimaces around hairy teeth, and several long and twisted fingers drag the mass along as it whispers incoherently.
Phasing ideogramlimiteddemonicSimuCon 2022 Additional Goodie Bag PurchaseWholly nondescript and devoid of detail, the ideogram floats idyllically in space. Forming and reforming its structure, it passes through phases of angular and circular configurations seemingly at random, only pausing momentarily to flex as if to commit the most recent shapes to memory. Small wisps of smoke whorl around its forms, enshrouding its perimeter and making any of its renditions impossible to capture in its entirety.
Spirit helpercommondivineAdan'f
Sheltered Valley
Aesry (Meadowlands)
Swirling motecommonunattunedCorik's Wall (Lost Grounds)Writhing chaotically, the mote is little more than a flickering mass of distorted space, trailing quickly evaporating tendrils that appear to aid in its slow movement.
Tenebraeling (ephemeron)commonpsychicTaisgath
Volcano spiritcommonprimalNear Dirge (lava fields)
Basalt Isle