Item:Playful crimson moonsilver fox with comically oversized ears

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playful crimson moonsilver fox with comically oversized ears
Look: Small enough to fit into a Human child's palm, the tiny fox is constructed entirely from silver metal with an intense cardinal sheen. Nearly the size of the long-tailed body, its immense ears eclipse the sharply pointed face, threatening to topple the toy forward at any moment. Set flush into slanted eye sockets are bright white sapphires, the moonsilver's soft silvery-red glow reflecting in the diamond-like jewels to give them a mischievous sparkle.
Weight: 2 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
  • This item is a toy.
Dimensions: 2 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Stolen from the Moons (3)

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