My Visions of the Lost Lands (book)

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My Visions of the Lost Lands

By Oracle Mosal Alshuedren

Long, long ago, a paradise existed -- a green jewel nestled in the deep vastness of the blue oceans.

This land, of the lushest and most beautiful forests, housed every type of plant the world had ever seen and would ever know, every animal that the gods could think to walk upon Elanthia for all eternity.

When the Immortal Gods were born, Elanthia was the first planet they created, and this continent was the first mass of land they placed upon it.

Truffenyi himself walked upon this land -- in the center of the forests, the Palace of Truffenyi was created; for while each of the gods created a planet of their own to become their home, Elanthia was to be Truffenyi's planet, and the Palace his home.

And though this was Truffenyi's land, and the Humans and the Halflings were Truffenyi's dear children, it was in this lush, wild land that the Elvenkind was created by the beautiful goddess Faenella.

Far across the oceans, another land was created, called Kermoria. From the mountains and rocky plains that covered this continent, the Dwarves were born. Kermoria was the home of the Dwarves.

The nameless land of Truffenyi was home to the Elves -- one of the first two mortal races created by the Immortal Gods. They resided here for many millennia; they were few, numbering little more than a dozen, but in this paradise, they were as ageless as time itself.

But the day came when the Elves angered the God Truffenyi -- they were not his children, and they were not his favored. All but four of the Elves were cast off this land.

The others built ships of the purest, strongest wood and embarked on a voyage across the ocean. Their gift of eternal life faded once the continent was no longer visible upon the horizon, and the Mother Ocean demanded they never again cross her waters until their sin was no more. The Elves were joined in this great journey by their companions, the Merelew.

In time, they came upon a chain of islands, and days later, their ships landed on a new land. There, they soon met with the Dwarves, and war broke out.

There, the history of Kermoria begins -- the near-forgotten land of Truffenyi is nothing more than myth and legend. None now know what brought about the curse of the Elves, save for Truffenyi himself, and the Four Elders... those Elves which remained behind.

Throughout time, many have attempted to cross the Ocean -- most notably the island-bound S'Kra Mur, and the imperious and adventurous young race known as the Humans (perhaps, from birth, they are instilled with a desire to return home to their father, across the mighty waves). But none ever succeeded in reaching the lost shores, or if they did, they never returned to speak of it.

The Elves never attempted such voyages, and as generations passed, knowledge of their old home faded from the Elven memory. And so the Lost Continent remained a legend, forever out of reach, but an eternal temptation to those who dream of attaining magic and wealth beyond measure, immortal life, or the power of the gods themselves, to make and shape worlds.

But we know now that the this land does exist! I am the Oracle of the God Truffenyi, and he has granted me visions of this unimaginable land of dreams. It is beyond mere words to describe, such is its awesome, captivating splendor.

Each night as I close my eyes and depart to the Realm of Damaris, Truffenyi visits me and shows me of his home.

At Truffenyi's side, I have seen all manner of flowers and trees, ancient as Elanthia itself and young as the most newborn of Human babes. They give life to the planet, and nourish it. They are the source of all life on Elanthia, and their energy radiates outward from this Lost Continent, providing the other lands with the Magic of Life and with the trees and the flowers we see.

At Truffenyi's side, I have hunted boar and deer, and wondrous creatures I have never seen before. Creatures with thick white furs, from the frozen, icy lands of Albaria. Creatures fleet of foot and cunning of wit, born to evade the hunter races of the Westlands.

At Truffenyi's side, I have seen the most stunning birds, colored in all shades of the glorious rainbow. I have seen the flight of the magnificent phoenix itself as it leaves a flaming arc across the skies of this tremendous land.

At Truffenyi's side, I have seen four Elves, older than any living being on this world, save for the gods themselves. I have seen the agelessness of their faces and the wisdom of their eyes and the depths of their hearts.

At Truffenyi's side, I have seen... something else. Something I never before imagined that I would behold with my eyes. The Elves spoke of them, and they called these beings... Loira.

I have learned that this is the word the Elves have for what is in Common called "flower."

The Loira, the Elder Elves said, were created by Truffenyi as the living, sentient embodiment of the forests of the Lost Continent. They were created to care for their brethren, the forests, which possessed life but not sentience. They are caretakers of the wilderness, and have a connection to it that no other race (not even the Elves) does. Life Mana flows in their very veins!

They also had an amazing ability to speak with some plants and flowers, which they considered to be their children... or perhaps, younger siblings which their father asked them to care for.

They are not dryads or nyads -- spirits of trees. They more closely resemble Humans than those fae beings... indeed, they are like Humans in many ways, where their physical form is concerned. They had two legs and two arms, each with five toes or fingers. They had a chest, and a head. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth, hair. They have tongues, with which they spoke.

They are like living, walking, talking plants in the form of a Human. Truly remarkable.

The Loira beheld me and were amazed... for they had never seen anything like me before! They had seen only their Elven friends, and Humans. When they said this to me, I was quite taken aback, for I did not know that Humans lived here on this Lost Continent. But I suppose that is not too surprising -- this is the chosen land of Truffenyi, their creator. The Loira told me that while they served as the guardians and caretakers of Truffenyi's forests, the Humans served as the protectors of his great temple, his palace.

I asked the Loira what they and the Humans needed to protect this paradise from, and they told me -- Centaurs. Incredible! I did not know that Centaurs truly lived, even though The Immortals tells us they do, the wild and barbaric children of Trothfang. But I thought they were only a myth. Not so! The Loira say that they live, here on the Lost Continent, and that given the chance, they would ravage the Palace of Truffenyi and burn the forests of this beautiful land. And so the Humans and the Loira are protectors.

Each night I drink my teas and use my sacred ritual herbs, performing the ceremonies in Truffenyi's honor, and then I sleep, hoping he shall show me more of this wondrous place. I do not know why God Truffenyi has shown me what he has, but praise be for the visions I have witnessed. They have had a remarkable effect on my life, and I pray to be given more.

Truffenyi has not visited me of late, but when he does, I shall tell the world even more of his splendors, even though people tell me that they do not believe the wonders I have seen.