Post:Dirge inquistion - 11/26/2009 - 1:22:57

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dirge inquistion · on 11/26/2009 1:22:57 AM 4515
names have been changed to objects in my garage or something i thought was wity at the time to protect the 'innocent'/now innoecent, if i missed anyone sorry, i just changed everyeon's name who wasn't immediatly in the group and a few others... so take it as occ ...

long long log... sorry it's cut and paste

khurek had locked the gates to the temple, and they were scanning people who tried to leave, to check for necro taint or 0 favors.. later he gets arrested, and he also missed a necro-in-waiting which sinstra caught.

good times...

[Temple Grounds, Entry Gates] The immense outer walls of the temple meet here, a thick lacquered mahogany gate acting as their mediator. The hardwood entrance has been banded with sturdy bars of steel to ensure its stamina in the most dire of times. A cobblestone path leads to the north, winding off into the various parts of the temple grounds. You also see a low mahogany building, a white-robed monk and a battered canvas tent with a large gladiola painted on the exterior. Also here: Commoner Deadlee, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: north. Deadlee says, "And well met." Deadlee is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Khurek fixes Deadlee with a heavy, ponderous stare. Sinstra gazes intently at Deadlee. Khurek says, "That's him." Bucketoentrails came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra says, "It is." Bucketoentrails just went north.

A large flock of people rushes into the area! Though some are plainly robed, others are wearing thick armor. As their collective chants of rage fill the air, someone screeches, "There he is! Don't let him get away!" The crowd quickly converges on Deadlee, overpowers him and throws him to the ground as dozens of iron-gripped hands pin down his arms and legs.

The grumbling mass of the crowd parts nervously, and from their midst, Khurek steps forward, clad in ceremonial red and purple robes. He proclaims, "Before your soul is too far gone to save, Deadlee, Aldauth shall take it!" With that, spidery tendrils of icy blue light swirl outward from the man's palms, darting toward Deadlee and billowing rapidly into a sheaf of ghostly fog around him. Claws of mist tear away from the amorphous cloud of fog, slashing violently at Deadlee's body. He shudders inwardly, bearing no visible wounds but seeming chilled to the bone.

Deadlee grows deathly pale!

* Deadlee is slain before your eyes!

The clerics in the group wave their censers superstitiously over Deadlee's body. As the cloying incense smoke mingles with the scent of death, the crowd leaves, all the while mumbling prayers against evil. Deadlee is outlined by a silvery corona for a moment.

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes. Bucketoentrails just arrived. Sinstra says, "May your soul be cleansed by the red spiral." Bucketoentrails is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Khurek gazes intently at Bucketoentrails. Bucketoentrails just went north. Khurek snarls. A sharp knocking sound emanates from a lacquered mahogany gate. A monk just escorted Deadlee out. Commoner Deadlee just arrived. Deadlee says, "Hail." Deadlee says, "And well met." Sinstra says, "Necromancer." Deadlee is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Adept Atazai just arrived. "Stop right there!" The shout reverberates through the area as the guard charges towards Deadlee. "You're under arrest!" Deadlee seems to be in shock as the guard binds his hands and he is led off.

The guard returns afterwards, looking around sternly as if to showcase the fate of all lawbreakers. Atazai is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Khurek gazes intently at Atazai. Atazai blinks. Khurek asks, "No favor?" Khurek fixes Atazai with a heavy, ponderous stare. Atazai says, "I came to get some." Atazai shrugs. Sinstra says, "Hmm." Khurek says, "Be quick with it." Sinstra says, "She is not guilty." A monk just escorted Atazai out. You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slowly in the air. Sinstra gives a slight nod. You notice as a white-tailed leopard snarls for a moment, then seems to calm down.

The white-tailed leopard growls, "you're doing good work." Sinstra gives a slight nod. The white-tailed leopard growls, "perhaps maybe one should be let loose and followed?" You notice as a white-tailed leopard gazes around with large yellow eyes. Sinstra says, "To wipe out the entire den at once? Perhaps." The white-tailed leopard growls, "but I'm sure you wouldn't allow that" You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Sinstra for a moment. The white-tailed leopard growls, "to let one leave" Khurek says, "There are plenty of them loose."

Kayumars came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Kayumars just went north. You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Kayumars just arrived. Kayumars is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra gazes intently at Kayumars. Khurek gazes intently at Kayumars. Sinstra says, "This one is not tainted." Sinstra gives a slight nod. Khurek says, "Good Paladin." You notice as a white-tailed leopard looks around cautiously. Kayumars bows. You notice as a white-tailed leopard looks around cautiously. Sinstra says, "One moment." A monk just escorted Kayumars out. Khurek slings a dinged lochaber axe off from over his shoulder. Khurek leans on his axe. You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slowly in the air.

Sinstra says, "One moment." A monk just escorted Kayumars out. Khurek slings a dinged lochaber axe off from over his shoulder. Khurek leans on his axe. You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slowly in the air. Occultist Vien just arrived. Sinstra gazes intently at Vien. Vien glances at Sinstra. Vien is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Occultist Vien just went north. Sinstra says, "She is not guilty."

Bucketoentrails just arrived. Bucketoentrails is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Khurek gazes intently at Bucketoentrails. The white-tailed leopard growls, "retainted i hope not.." Bucketoentrails asks, "Me?" Sinstra gazes intently at Bucketoentrails. Khurek says, "Yes, beg the favors of the gods." Khurek squints at Bucketoentrails. Sinstra says, "Your soul has been purged. Do not waste this chance of mercy." Bucketoentrails says, "I've been trying to get favors from the gods." Khurek says, "Don't let me see you tainted again." A monk just escorted Bucketoentrails out.

The white-tailed leopard growls, "Find anything other than tainted ones?" Sinstra says, "Yes, there have been several innocents." The white-tailed leopard growls, "But none who needed... further purging?" You notice as a white-tailed leopard snarls for a moment, then seems to calm down. Sinstra says, "Several who needed purging as well."

Occultist Vien just went north. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Sinstra for a moment. Buffalo just arrived. Shadodet just arrived. Shadodet is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra says, "Hold a moment." Atazai came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Adept Atazai just went north. Shadodet is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Buffalo casually observes the area. Shadodet just left. You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Sinstra gazes intently at Buffalo. [Temple Grounds, Entry Gates] The immense outer walls of the temple meet here, a thick lacquered mahogany gate acting as their mediator. The hardwood entrance has been banded with sturdy bars of steel to ensure its stamina in the most dire of times. A cobblestone path leads to the north, winding off into the various parts of the temple grounds. You also see a low mahogany building, a white-robed monk and a battered canvas tent with a large gladiola painted on the exterior. Also here: Buffalo, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: north. Buffalo cocks her head at Sinstra. Pibb came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Buffalo says, "Hello." Khurek gazes intently at Pibb. Pibb bows. Pibb says, "I come in peace." Khurek scowls at Pibb. Khurek says, "Yet you come without favors." Pibb kneels down. Sinstra says to Buffalo, "Find favor with your god." Khurek blinks. Buffalo nods to Sinstra. Khurek asks, "Another one?" Pibb stands up. Khurek gazes intently at Buffalo. Pibb bows. Scholarship Novice Pibb just went north. Sinstra says, "Yes." Khurek says, "Perhaps this should be investigated further." Sinstra says, "Indeed." Buffalo asks, "Another what?" Buffalo scratches her head. The white-tailed leopard growls, "this is too much taint in the temple" Sinstra says, "Favorless." Scholarship Novice Pibb just arrived. Pibb bows to Khurek. [Temple Grounds, Entry Gates] The immense outer walls of the temple meet here, a thick lacquered mahogany gate acting as their mediator. The hardwood entrance has been banded with sturdy bars of steel to ensure its stamina in the most dire of times. A cobblestone path leads to the north, winding off into the various parts of the temple grounds. You also see a low mahogany building, a white-robed monk and a battered canvas tent with a large gladiola painted on the exterior. Also here: Scholarship Novice Pibb, Buffalo, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: north. Pibb says, "It is an honor to see the two of you in person." Sinstra says to Buffalo, "You must immediately find favor with your gods, lest you be mistaken for a Necromancer." You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slowly in the air. Buffalo asks, "I was looking to gain favor with my god, which is the way?" Buffalo asks, "Necromancer?" Pibb points north. Sinstra says, "Out the west gate, there is a trial you must endure." Sinstra says, "See those at the Cleric Guild for more help." Buffalo says, "Cleric guild, will do." Buffalo bows to Sinstra. A monk just escorted Buffalo out. Pibb asks, "Is there anything a simple commoner can do to assist in these affairs?" You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Sinstra gazes intently at Pibb. Pibb asks, "Or simply... stay out of the controversy created by those who wish the Gods ill?" You notice as a white-tailed leopard looks around cautiously.

Sinstra gives a slight nod. Sinstra says, "We will let you be on your way, then." A monk just escorted Coathanger out. Khurek lifts the long chain from which his vulture symbol hangs, brushing his lips against the raised image of the vulture

Occultist Vien just went north. Sinstra says, "Hmm." Sinstra asks, "Why does that one run from us?" Sinstra says, "If she is innocent, she has nothing to fear." Khurek asks, "Don't they all?" Khurek smirks. Sinstra chortles softly at some secret joke. Sinstra says, "Inquisitor, I have found that there truly is no innocence. Only varying degrees of guilt." Khurek nods to Sinstra. You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slo

eyes. Sinstra says, "They are hiding." You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Sinstra ponders. You notice as a white-tailed leopard looks around cautiously. Sosorry just arrived. Khurek says, "All those favorless bother me. I will send one of our brethren to follow a few of them." Sosorry is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Khurek gazes intently at Sosorry. Khurek says, "Not another, thankfully." Sinstra gazes intently at Sosorry. Jostak came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Night Watchman Jostak just went north. Night Watchman Jostak just arrived. Jostak is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Sosorry smiles. Sosorry says, "No just an unlucky soul." Sinstra frowns at Sosorry. You notice as a white-tailed leopard gazes around with large yellow eyes. Sinstra says, "You are tainted." Jostak is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. The white-tailed leopard growls, "uh oh" Jostak is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Khurek gazes intently at Jostak. The white-tailed leopard growls, "accept the consequences" Jostak asks, "Ok... is there another way out now?" Sinstra says, "Hold a moment." You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Sinstra gives Jostak a slight nod. Sosorry is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. You notice as a white-tailed leopard gazes around with large yellow eyes. Jostak is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Khurek gives Sinstra a slight nod. Khurek fixes Sosorry with a heavy, ponderous stare. Sosorry fixes Khurek with a cold, reptilian stare. A shimmering mirror of shadows appears momentarily in the air above, briefly revealing Aleyden's face. Coathanger came through a lacquered mahogany gate.

A large flock of people rushes into the area! Though some are plainly robed, others are wearing thick armor. As their collective chants of rage fill the air, someone screeches, "There he is! Don't let him get away!" The crowd quickly converges on Sosorry, overpowers him and throws him to the ground as dozens of iron-gripped hands pin down his arms and legs.

The grumbling mass of the crowd parts nervously, and from their midst, Sinstra steps forward, clad in ceremonial red and purple robes. She shouts, "I claim your sinful life for the Lord of Torment!" With that, the woman kneels beside Sosorry's prone body and plunges a sacrificial dagger into his chest! After cruelly twisting the blade around and making it grate against the bone, she finally wrenches it out, stands back up and walks away, leaving Sosorry barely alive but choking on his own blood.

* Sosorry is slain before your eyes!

The clerics in the group wave their censers superstitiously over Sosorry's body. As the cloying incense smoke mingles with the scent of death, the crowd leaves, all the while mumbling prayers against evil. Sosorry is outlined by a silvery corona for a moment.

Coathanger gasps! Citizen Coathanger just went north. You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes. A monk just escorted Sosorry out. Jostak is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra gazes intently at Jostak. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Jostak for a moment. The white-tailed leopard growls, "good work" Sinstra says to Jostak, "You need more favor."

Sinstra gazes intently at Jostak. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Jostak for a moment. The white-tailed leopard growls, "good work" Sinstra says to Jostak, "You need more favor." Jostak asks, "Well I cant do that, Now can I?" Jostak points at a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra says, "Gain more, so that you may not be mistaken for a Necromancer. I shall let you through now." Sosorry just arrived. Sosorry is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. A monk just escorted Jostak out.

Sosorry just arrived. Sosorry is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. A monk just escorted Jostak out. Citizen Coathanger just arrived. Khurek says to Sosorry, "Learn from your mistake." Coathanger is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Sosorry scoffs. Sinstra says to Sosorry, "Your soul has been cleansed. Take this time now and learn from this mercy." Khurek raises an eyebrow in Sosorry's direction. Sosorry says, "Open the gate." Coathanger casually observes the area. Sinstra says, "I will have the monks escort you from this place if you promise to gain favor." Coathanger asks, "May I go through?" Coathanger points at a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra gives Sosorry a slight nod. Sinstra gazes intently at Coathanger. Sosorry says, "I have favor." Sinstra gives Coathanger a slight nod. Sosorry says, "I think you falsely accused me." Coathanger bows. A monk just escorted Coathanger out. [Temple Grounds, Entry Gates] The immense outer walls of the temple meet here, a thick lacquered mahogany gate acting as their mediator. The hardwood entrance has been banded with sturdy bars of steel to ensure its stamina in the most dire of times. A cobblestone path leads to the north, winding off into the various parts of the temple grounds. You also see a low mahogany building, a white-robed monk and a battered canvas tent with a large gladiola painted on the exterior. Also here: Sosorry, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: north. Sosorry is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Sosorry glares at a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra says, "Nae. You had the taint all around you." Plank came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Plank just went north. Khurek says to Sosorry, "You will be watched." Sinstra says, "If you misstep again, you will be arrested." You notice as a white-tailed leopard gazes around with large yellow eyes. Sinstra gives Sosorry a slight nod.

Sklath came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Fog Sklath just went north. Sosorry is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. A monk just escorted Sosorry out. Khurek says to Sinstra, "Yes, that one will lead us to them." Sinstra gives Khurek a slight nod. The white-tailed leopard growls, "most likely.. didn't seem to competent" Sinstra gives Khurek a slight nod. The white-tailed leopard growls, "most likely.. didn't seem to competent" Khurek asks, "Follow him for us, leopard?" The white-tailed leopard growls, "i shall follow you, i feel that one might hide" Plank just arrived. Plank is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra gazes intently at Plank. Sinstra says, "Hold a moment." Plank shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

ic should be with so few." You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Khurek stares blankly into the distance. Terra gets a detailed copperwood dove totem from inside her charm bag. Terra shakes her head. Khurek says, "Ah, there are faithful Moon Mages aiding us apparently." Sinstra gives a slight nod. A monk just escorted Jhin out. Khurek says to Sinstra, "I've heard the name of Dirge yet again." You notice as a white-tailed leopard gazes around with large yellow eyes. Scholarship Novice Pibb just arrived. Jhin came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Sinstra says, "Dirge is not exactly small." The white-tailed leopard growls, "perhaps they're doing something to remove the taint on the grounds, to escape the gods wrath?" Terra says, "Doubtful." Khurek waves dismissively. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Jhin for a moment. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Jhin for a moment. Pibb says, "I have failed to find them, sirs." Pibb sighs. You notice as a white-tailed leopard gazes around with large yellow eyes. Sinstra says, "That is unfortunate." Terra says to Pibb, "If you wish to stay a moment, I will aid you in your search." Pibb says, "They may simply inhabit areas too... dangerous, or complicated, for myself." Pibb nods. Pibb kneels down. You notice as a white-tailed leopard snarls for a moment, then seems to calm down. Pibb continues praying fervently. Terra says to Pibb, "If this area is not too dangerous or complicated for you, then you can indeed gain favors in safety." Terra asks, "What Immortal do you worship?" Pibb glances at Terra. Whitesnake just arrived. Pibb says, "I was referring to the evildoers, not favors." Sinstra gazes intently at Whitesnake. Whitesnake begins to carefully examine a slender steel rapier. Sinstra frowns at Whitesnake. A white-tailed leopard growls ferociously deep in its throat. Jerodan came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Apprentice Bard Jerodan just went north. Sinstra says, "This one is tainted." Pibb says, "I had attempted to seek out the hiding places of the wretched scum." Terra says, "Ahh, my mistake." Sinstra gestures at Whitesnake. Pibb sighs. The white-tailed leopard growls, "and another.." Apprentice Bard Jerodan just arrived. Terra asks, "Tainted with what?" Terra bows to Jerodan. Sinstra says, "Necromancy."

A large flock of people rushes into the area! Though some are plainly robed, others are wearing thick armor. As their collective chants of rage fill the air, someone screeches, "There he is! Don't let him get away!" The crowd quickly converges on Whitesnake, overpowers him and throws him to the ground as dozens of iron-gripped hands pin down his arms and legs.

From the midst of the grumbling crowd, a morose brown-robed preacher holding some prayer beads steps forward. He proclaims, "Put an end to his corruption before it ruins us all!" With that, the men and women holding Whitesnake down bind his limbs, then back away slightly. One person from the crowd picks up a fist-sized stone, tossing it at Whitesnake while muttering a curse! Another in the crowd does the same, and soon the air is thick with flying rocks. Whitesnake desperately attempts to dodge, but more and more of them strike him. Within moments, he appears to be just a mass of bruises, with most of his bones broken.

* Whitesnake is slain before your eyes!

The clerics in the group wave their censers superstitiously over Whitesnake's body. As the cloying incense smoke mingles with the scent of death, the crowd leaves, all the while mumbling prayers against evil. Whitesnake is outlined by a silvery corona for a moment.

Pibb shivers. Jerodan bows to Terra. Terra covers her mouth with her hand.

Pibb shivers. Jerodan bows to Terra. Terra covers her mouth with her hand. Terra asks Jerodan, "Apprentice, are you here to gain favors?" A monk just escorted Whitesnake out. Khurek absentmindedly rubs his vulture symbol between his fingers, smiling slightly. Jerodan nods to Terra. Terra beams at Jerodan!

Terra asks Jerodan, "Apprentice, are you here to gain favors?" A monk just escorted Whitesnake out. Khurek absentmindedly rubs his vulture symbol between his fingers, smiling slightly. Jerodan nods to Terra. Terra beams at Jerodan! Whitesnake just arrived. An acolyte runs in hurriedly and whispers to Khurek for a long while. Terra smiles. Khurek frowns. The white-tailed leopard growls, "troubling news?" Sinstra raises an eyebrow.

Sinstra raises an eyebrow. Khurek says, "Fools are now blaspheming at the guildhall." Khurek makes a grunting noise. Sinstra scowls. Pibb frowns. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Whitesnake for a moment. Terra frowns. Khurek says to Sinstra, "Continue here." Pibb says, "These notions that have made their ways around." Terra asks, "Blaspheming int he Cleric Guild Hall?" Sinstra gives a slight nod. Khurek is apparently wrestling with a lacquered mahogany gate. Terra nods to Jerodan. Pibb says, "The absolute right to trial.... the fallibility of Immortals and of the Temple." Khurek coughs. Pibb says, "I wonder if these are ideas placed among us by the evil." Sinstra says to Whitesnake, "Your soul has been cleansed. Do not waste this chance at redemption." Pibb says, "To... corrupt and infect society, with notions that have no rational basis."

reminder of how their Guild delights in improving the quality of life for beings all over Elanthia. One such wealthy merchant, though not as ostentatious as most, is Berolt, the dry goods dealer. His venerable general store here outfits adventurers with all the basic necessities. The row of trees on the north side of the street also serves to shade the south half of Town Green.

Also here: Temple Inquisitor Khurek, Blademaster Healfdene. Obvious paths: north, east, south. Temple Inquisitor Khurek just went north. Hoodlum Nefidyne just arrived. Hoodlum Nefidyne just went south. Hurgra's group just arrived. Hurgra's group just went south. [The Crossing, Town Green South] A gap in the stand of lunat trees leads south into Lunat Shade Road. In that general direction the lights shining from Berolt's Dry Goods, the Town Hall, the soaring presence of the Temple, the Provincial Bank and other key structures can be seen. A few loafers loll on the grass, watching those entering and leaving the green, or laying back to gaze at the night sky. A lone nightingale serenades from the hedges bordering the park, unaware of its appreciative audience. Also here: Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest. Temple Inquisitor Khurek just went north.

Terra nods. Sinstra says, "I am tempted to wrap this up, and attempt to find this Necromancer's lair in Dirge instead." Khurek says to Sinstra, "It's been confirmed. They are hiding at somewhere called Gibbet Hill." You see a faint glow from the pack on Khurek. You notice as a white-tailed leopard gazes around with large yellow eyes. The white-tailed leopard growls, "ah, i know that place..." Terra says, "Gibbet Hill, I've heard of that area." Jerodan asks, "Can I come?" Khurek yells, "Open the gates."

Sinstra gives a slight nod. Several monks slowly open the gate again.

Khurek says, "Anyone who wishes may come." Sinstra joins Khurek's group. Terra nods. Terra joins Khurek's group. Jerodan joins Khurek's group. Terra slides a lifesculpted silverwood band formed to cage a glittering sunstone off her finger. Khurek says, "Perhaps you'll have a chance to spill Necromancer blood." Khurek smiles. Jerodan deftly removes the scimitar from his harness. Terra smiles at Jerodan. The white-tailed leopard growls, "i'll follow at my own pace.."

[Dirge, Outside Gate] A road stops here at a ruined gate of charred and splintered wood. Beyond it lies a small town of uniformly dark colors huddled beneath the towering volcanic heights. To one side, a compact stone building stands watch over the infrequent traveller and the gate. You also see a narrow path of cinders and ashes with a faded signpost next to it. Also here: Commoner Blackndecker, Scholarship Novice Pibb, Commoner Milkcrate, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek, Shark Hunter Darkskye. Obvious paths: south.

Terra searches the crazed madman. A crazed madman decays away. Pibb says, "After you told me, I got one, from the orb that was in my hand." Jerodan says, "That or your silver tongue was indeed a cover." Khurek says, "And another one." Jerodan glances at Pibb. Pibb says, "Then I died, as you recall." Terra asks, "Do you know where the crematorium is, Inquisitress?" You notice as a white-tailed leopard looks around cautiously. Blackndecker asks, "Another what, exactly?" Pibb looks at Jerodan and shrugs. Blackndecker scowls. white-tailed leopard growls, "follow the path to the end of the road." Pibb says, "Inquisitors, I found odd and unseemly pieces of meat hanging in the Butcher's shop." You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slowly in the air. Pibb says, "I don't know if it means anything." A shimmering mirror of shadows appears momentarily in the air above, briefly revealing Antea's face. The white-tailed leopard growls, "there's a gate to town, and near it an ash covered path.." The music of Terra's enchante wraps iself around you like a soaring orchestra of joyous light. Terra says, "I believe it is just west of there." Terra says, "I believe it is just west of there." Pibb says, "But it seems odd for a grocer to carry nothing other than strange meats." Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group wandered up a narrow path of cinders and ashes with a faded signpost next to it. Darkskye says, "Aye." Darkskye nods. [Dirge, Hangman's Road] Jumbled rows of stone slabs, many stacked into untidy piles, catch your eye. You wonder as to their purpose as you pass among them along this dead path of cinders. Mixed among them are heaps of broken bones in no particular order or pattern that you can discern. The land here is dead beyond your imaginings, as if life had never existed and you yourself were but some vague phantasm hovering above a landscape that was never meant to be. You also see a ghoul. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast, south, northwest. Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group just went northwest. A ghoul drags itself south. [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] Here, at the base of a bare stone hill, a ruined cemetery sprawls in untidy heaps. Bones and stones mingle together and grinning skulls perch on marble slabs, leering at you grimly. The remains of the town cemetery it seems, ruined and scattered, holy ground no longer once fire and pain came to dwell. Above the unliving scene, the stark white hill glowers, keeping its own secrets. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast. Khurek says, "Ah."

Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group climbed up a stone hill. The crazed madman begins to advance on Darkskye. Darkskye says, "May I join you." [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] A path here leads to the barren summit of this bizarre hill. Neatly arrayed along both sides, stand rows of gibbets, each with its unliving ornament. One corpse nearest you was hanged with one arm nailed stiffly outwards across a post, its dead hand urging you upwards. You also see a dark burrow. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, up. Khurek ponders. Terra's skin turns a pasty shade. The white-tailed leopard growls, "the barbarian lives below" Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just arrived. Shark Hunter Darkskye just arrived. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just arrived. Shark Hunter Darkskye just arrived. Darkskye says, "May i join you." [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] A path here leads to the barren summit of this bizarre hill. Neatly arrayed along both sides, stand rows of gibbets, each with its unliving ornament. One corpse nearest you was hanged with one arm nailed stiffly outwards across a post, its dead hand urging you upwards. You also see a dark burrow. Also here: Shark Hunter Darkskye, Commoner Blackndecker, Scholarship Novice Pibb, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, up. Blackndecker asks, "Can we offer our aid?" A tingling rhythm from nearby shimmers through the air as the verse of Terra's enchante "Glythtide's Joy" plays at your senses like a sparkling wine. Pibb nods to Blackndecker. Sinstra says, "I must admit. This is a little over the top, even for Necromancers." Pibb says, "We were searching for the scum when we foudn you." A madman just arrived! The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. Pibb nods to Sinstra. The white-tailed leopard growls, "indeed" Khurek gazes intently at Darkskye. Terra says, "It seems a bit too obvious." Blackndecker nods to Pibb.

ss a post, its dead hand urging you upwards. You also see a crazed madman, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some waermodi stones and a dark burrow. Also here: Shark Hunter Darkskye, Commoner Blackndecker, Scholarship Novice Pibb, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, up. Sinstra nods to Blackndecker. Terra peers quizzically at Pibb. The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. You notice as a white-tailed leopard looks around cautiously. Pibb nods. ground no longer once fire and pain came to dwell. Above the unliving scene, the stark white hill glowers, keeping its own secrets. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast. Khurek says, "Ah." Shark Hunter Darkskye just arrived. The crazed madman runs into view gesticulating wildly and uttering vile sounds unlike any speech ever heard. [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] Here, at the base of a bare stone hill, a ruined cemetery sprawls in untidy heaps. Bones and stones mingle together and grinning skulls perch on marble slabs, leering at you grimly. The remains of the town cemetery it seems, ruined and scattered, holy ground no longer once fire and pain came to dwell. Above the unliving scene, the stark white hill glowers, keeping its own secrets. You also see a crazed madman. Also here: Shark Hunter Darkskye, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast. A madman just arrived! The crazed madman begins to advance on Jerodan. Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group climbed up a stone hill. The crazed madman begins to advance on Darkskye. Darkskye says, "May I join you." Appearing to have lost sight of its target, a crazed madman stops advancing. The crazed madman begins to advance on Darkskye. [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] A path here leads to the barren summit of this bizarre hill. Neatly arrayed along both sides, stand rows of gibbets, each with its unliving ornament. One corpse nearest you was hanged with one arm nailed stiffly outwards across a post, its dead hand urging you upwards. You also see a dark burrow. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, up. Khurek ponders. Terra's skin turns a pasty shade. The white-tailed leopard growls, "the barbarian lives below" Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just arrived. Shark Hunter Darkskye just arrived. Darkskye says, "May i join you." [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] A path here leads to the barren summit of this bizarre hill. Neatly arrayed along both sides, stand rows of gibbets, each with its unliving ornament. One corpse nearest you was hanged with one arm nailed stiffly outwards across a post, its dead hand urging you upwards. You also see a dark burrow. Also here: Shark Hunter Darkskye, Commoner Blackndecker, Scholarship Novice Pibb, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, up. Blackndecker asks, "Can we offer our aid?" A tingling rhythm from nearby shimmers through the air as the verse of Terra's enchante "Glythtide's Joy" plays at your senses like a sparkling wine. Pibb nods to Blackndecker. Sinstra says, "I must admit. This is a little over the top, even for Necromancers." Pibb says, "We were searching for the scum when we foudn you." A madman just arrived! The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. Pibb nods to Sinstra. The white-tailed leopard growls, "indeed" Khurek gazes intently at Darkskye. Terra says, "It seems a bit too obvious." Blackndecker nods to Pibb. Sinstra gazes intently at Blackndecker. Jerodan's song loses some of its force as he enters the next verse, though it still maintains a strident rhythm. The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Terra seems to be concentrating intently on something. The crazed madman closes to melee range on Pibb. The crazed madman moves into a position to parry. Pibb asks, "A talking corpse that responds to inquiries into Necromancy?" Khurek says, "You may join." Terra says, "Begone." The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. Terra gestures at a crazed madman. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a crazed madman! With a ferocious crackle, the cloud grows and shifts into the mostly cohesive shape of a ballista bolt, which rams into its chest with enough force to lift it into the air, the glowing yellow force keeping it aloft. As the hRedwagon cloud dissipates, you see that its chest has been completely melted from the inside out. The crazed madman falls to the ground and lies still. Sinstra says, "Your time would be better spent getting favors." The white-tailed leopard growls, "maybe a trap?" Terra searches the crazed madman. Darkskye nods to Khurek. Sinstra gives Blackndecker a slight nod. Darkskye joins Khurek's group. (Jerodan clenches his scimitar nervously glancing around for any signs of trouble) Jerodan's voice resounds with fierce resolve as he launches into the chorus of his enchante. An unmistakable calm settles over Jerodan's features, his eyes taking on a sharp, unwavering focus. A crazed madman decays away. Blackndecker nods. The crazed madman runs into view gesticulating wildly and uttering vile sounds unlike any speech ever heard. Blackndecker says, "I have not decided on a God yet." Sinstra says, "Aldauth." Blackndecker says, "They are all so glorious." Terra asks, "The corpse responds... to inquiries?" [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] A path here leads to the barren summit of this bizarre hill. Neatly arrayed along both sides, stand rows of gibbets, each with its unliving ornament. One corpse nearest you was hanged with one arm nailed stiffly outwards across a post, its dead hand urging you upwards. You also see a crazed madman, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some waermodi stones and a dark burrow. Also here: Shark Hunter Darkskye, Commoner Blackndecker, Scholarship Novice Pibb, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, up. Sinstra nods to Blackndecker. Terra peers quizzically at Pibb. The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. You notice as a white-tailed leopard looks around cautiously. Pibb nods. Pibb nods. Pibb points up. Terra asks, "Why would you inquire about Necromancy to a corpse?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. The crazed madman closes to melee range on Pibb. A ghoul just arrived! The ghoul begins to advance on Pibb. The crazed madman moves into a position to dodge. Pibb tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a crazed madman! Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group just went up. With poor timing, a crazed madman lunges a carving knife at Pibb. Pibb attempts to evade, mis-stepping and blundering into the blow. The knife lands a harmless blow to his left leg! Pibb says, " , "I don't know. That's what I was told." The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Pibb tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a crazed madman! The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. The ghoul closes to melee range on Pibb. The ghoul moves into a position to dodge. [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] The hillcrest here once served the town in its more civilized days as a place for punishments and public executions. The remains of a wooden gallows still rise above you, and around the rim of the hill stand several wooden stocks. Each stock now holds a grinning mummified body, and surmounting the gallows, dangling from a silken noose, is a corpse arrayed in white linen robes. Even in death, there is a suggestion of madness and power about this figure. You also see a ghoul, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a leather jerkin, a carving knife, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some flowing robes, a carving knife, some flight glue, a chipped marble mortar, a chipped marble mortar and some junk. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra who is surrounded by bubbly bands of colored light, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Shark Hunter Darkskye, Temple Inquisitor Khurek, Subtracti. Obvious paths: down. Terra gestures at a ghoul. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a ghoul! Suddenly flattening out with an unusual popping sound, the cloud leaves trails of sparkling yellow particles in its wake before piercing cleanly through its neck, electric arcs melting and bubbling flesh and bone on either side as cranium and torso are implacably separated. A ghoul collapses to the ground, letting out a final groan before ceasing all movement. A tingling rhythm from nearby shimmers through the air as the verse of Terra's enchante "Glythtide's Joy" plays at your senses like a sparkling wine. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just arrived. Terra searches the ghoul.

rches the ghoul. A ghoul decays away. Khurek says, "More and more favorless. Yes, it must be true." Pibb says, "I don't know why it would respond, or why one would ask, but that's what I was told." Pibb nods. Pibb picks up a ca

rving knife. A ghoul drags itself into view. Pibb ponders. Pibb says, "Knives." Pibb nods. Pibb stands up. Pibb drops a carving knife. Jerodan slips seamlessly into the refrain of his enchante, the driving rhythm undiminished. The ghoul begins to advance on Pibb. A shimmering mirror of shadows appears momentarily in the air above, briefly revealing Asurun's face. Sinstra gives Khurek a slight nod. The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just went down. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just arrived. The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Blackndecker says to Pibb, "Tools of the perverse, I believe." The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Pibb nods to Blackndecker. Pibb tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a ghoul!

Sinstra gives Khurek a slight nod. The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just went down. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just arrived. The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Blackndecker says to Pibb, "Tools of the perverse, I believe." The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Pibb nods to Blackndecker. Pibb tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a ghoul! The ghoul closes to melee range on Pibb. Pibb tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a ghoul! Terra seems to be concentrating intently on something. The ghoul begins to advance on Pibb. Blackndecker says to Pibb, "Quite suspicious." The ghoul discovers Subtracti, ruining her hiding place! Terra glances at Pibb. Pibb nods to Blackndecker. The ghoul discovers Subtracti, ruining her hiding place! Terra gestures at a ghoul. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a ghoul! With a ferocious crackle, the cloud grows and shifts into the mostly cohesive shape of a ballista bolt, which rams into its abdomen with enough force to lift it into the air, the glowing yellow force keeping it aloft. As the hRedwagon cloud dissipates, you see that its abdomen has been completely melted from the inside out. A ghoul collapses to the ground, letting out a final groan before ceasing all movement. Terra searches the ghoul. Subtracti stops advancing since a ghoul is dead. In a voice resounding with powerful pride, Jerodan brings his enchante to a halt, his eyes sparkling in triumph. Jerodan finishes his enchante. A ghoul decays away. You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground.

Pibb says, "Many of the deranged have been fascinated by knives, throughout history." Pibb says, "The madmen here being one case." Like the long-awaited punch line to a joke, Terra's enchante seems to explode with the sound of laughter. Sinstra raises an eyebrow in Pibb's direction. Khurek says, "You three favorless need to stop being so immediately." Jerodan begins his song with powerful, vibrant tones, his voice filled with an unmistakeable resolve. Darkskye says, "Seems the area just reeks of necromancy." Stump just arrived. A madman just arrived! The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. Jerodan sings each word of his song with unwavering resolve, a look of fierce conviction upon his face. Khurek gazes intently at Stump. Khurek says, "There." Pibb nods to Khurek. The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Pibb.

Khurek gestures at Stump. A sparkling cloud of silver motes envelops his body like a mist of stars. Stump is viciously stunned by the haze of Holy energy whorling around him. The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. The crazed madman frantically runs around in circles. Pibb slings an ordinary shield off from over his shoulder. Subtracti begins to advance on a crazed madman. The crazed madman closes to melee range on Pibb. Terra blinks.

Jerodan asks, "He is tainted?" Skeletor just arrived. Skeletor just went down. Terra asks, "How..?" The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb.

A large flock of people rushes into the area! Though some are plainly robed, others are wearing thick armor. As their collective chants of rage fill the air, someone screeches, "There he is! Don't let him get away!" The crowd quickly converges on Stump, overpowers him and throws him to the ground as dozens of iron-gripped hands pin down his arms and legs.

From the midst of the grumbling crowd, a Gnomish inquisitor flanked by a pair of Kaldaran acolytes steps forward. She proclaims, "Put an end to his corruption before it ruins us all!" With that, the men and women holding Stump down bind his limbs, then back away slightly. One person from the crowd picks up a fist-sized stone, tossing it at Stump while muttering a curse! Another in the crowd does the same, and soon the air is thick with flying rocks. Stump desperately attempts to dodge, but more and more of them strike him. Within moments, he appears to be just a mass of bruises, with most of his bones broken.

* Stump is slain before your eyes!

The clerics in the group wave their censers superstitiously over Stump's body. As the cloying incense smoke mingles with the scent of death, the crowd leaves, all the while mumbling prayers against evil. Stump is outlined by a silvery corona for a moment.

Subtracti lands a good hit to the madman's back. The crazed madman closes to melee range on Pibb.

haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a crazed madman! Suddenly flattening out with an unusual popping sound, the cloud leaves trails of sparkling yellow particles in its wake before piercing cleanly through its neck, electric arcs melting and bubbling flesh and bone on either side as cranium and torso are implacably separated. The crazed madman falls to the ground and lies still. Pibb applauds. The white-tailed leopard growls, "was..." Sinstra says to Pibb, "You have far too much knowledge in these matters." Terra searches the crazed madman. A crazed madman decays away. You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes. Pibb says, "I have been well informed by my friend who is a scholar of magic." Pibb bows. Blackndecker nods. You notice as a white-tailed leopard snarls for a moment, then seems to calm down. Jerodan's song loses some of its force as he enters the next verse, though it still maintains a strident rhythm. Sinstra says to Pibb, "You have cuts on your right hand." Terra asks, "What sort of magic?" A shroud of vapor rises from Stump's corpse, dissipating rapidly from view. Pibb says, "The madmen got to me."

Sinstra says to Blackndecker, "You also have cuts on your right hand, in exactly the same manner." Subtracti says, "These madmen are quite viscious."

Subtracti gives a slight nod. Blackndecker nods to Sinstra. Sinstra says to Subtracti, "So do you." Khurek asks, "Didn't I just tell the favorless here to remove themselves out of my sight?" Blackndecker says, "I fell down the temple stairs trying to research some gods." Terra ponders. The white-tailed leopard growls, "interesting.." Jerodan frowns. Stump just arrived. The white-tailed leopard growls, "and favorless as well?" Pibb nods to Khurek.

Pibb says, "As you wish, Inquisitor." Pibb bows. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just went down.

Pibb bows. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just went down. Terra ponders. Skeletor just arrived. Darkskye ponders inc Skeletor just went down. Sinstra raises an eyebrow. Terra says, "Something is not quite right here." Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group just went down. The white-tailed leopard growls, "that one didn't smell right from the begining" Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group just arrived. Subtracti says, "Death is not a diversion for me." Terra stops performing her enchante. The white-tailed leopard growls, "that one didn't smell right from the begining" Jerodan glances at Subtracti. Jerodan asks Subtracti, "Is that a confession?" Jerodan slips seamlessly into the refrain of his enchante, the driving rhythm undiminished. Subtracti says, "No such thing." Sinstra says to Subtracti, "Remove yourself from my sight, and gain favor, now." Subtracti says, "Confessions are for the guilty." Terra asks, "Why would a group of favorless individuals, all with cuts on their right hand, be gathered in such a peculiar place?" (Jerodan grips his scimitar) A madman just arrived! The crazed madman begins to advance on Subtracti. Slow, rich tones form a somber introduction as Terra begins to sing "Aether Wolves". Sinstra asks, "Isn't it obvious?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Subtracti. Khurek frowns at Stump. Stump looks startled and bolts to the fringes of the area. Subtracti looks startled and bolts to the fringes of the area. A crazed madman suddenly bolts to the fringes of the area. Sinstra says, "It is obvious they are involved in some sort of dark ritual." The high, clear notes of Terra's song define a drifting melody that easily soars into the higher reaches of her range. Terra asks, "Do you perceive any taint on them?" Sinstra searches around for a moment. The white-tailed leopard growls, "possible it's around here where they've been getting the taint?" You hear the voice of Subtracti say, "Dark is not the word for my doings." Khurek leans on his axe. Sinstra asks, "What is, then?" A black-tinged mist seems to rise in the room, then suddenly fades away again. You hear the voice of Subtracti say, "Curious." Sinstra frowns. Khurek squints. Terra blinks. Sinstra asks, "Did you see that?" The white-tailed leopard growls, "curious.. mist" Terra says, "A mist, dark as night." [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] The hillcrest here once served the town in its more civilized days as a place for punishments and public executions. The remains of a wooden gallows still rise above you, and around the rim of the hill stand several wooden stocks. Each stock now holds a grinning mummified body, and surmounting the gallows, dangling from a silken noose, is a corpse arrayed in white linen robes. Even in death, there is a suggestion of madness and power about this figure. You also see a crazed madman, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a copper coin, a carving knife, some bronze coins, a copper coin, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a leather jerkin, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some flowing robes, a carving knife, some flight glue, a chipped marble mortar, a chipped marble mortar and some junk. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Shark Hunter Darkskye, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: down. Khurek says, "Yes, necromancy right before our eyes." Jerodan's song loses some of its force as he enters the next verse, though it still maintains a strident rhythm. Darkskye says, "Not a good sign." Terra draws each vocalized note out slowly, relucantly, in a wandering melody that gradually grows quieter. Sinstra says, "Aye." Khurek mutters a prayer and appears to grow calm. d waves its tail slowly in the air. Sinstra says, "And the one escaped." The white-tailed leopard growls, "definetly necromancy.." Jerodan searches around for a moment. Jerodan's voice resounds with fierce resolve as he launches into the chorus of his enchante. An unmistakable calm settles over Jerodan's features, his eyes taking on a sharp, unwavering focus. You hear the voice of Subtracti say, "You are mistaken. The work of the mist is only a passage...Not necromancy itself." The white-tailed leopard growls, "perhaps he had to do with the mist?" Terra stops performing her enchante. Terra searches around for a moment. The crazed madman begins to advance on Jerodan. Subtracti comes out of hiding. Subtracti searches around for a moment. Terra asks, "A passage to what?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Jerodan. A murder of crows swoops low through the area, scanning the area for any discarded morsel of food. Khurek asks, "Passage, you say?" The crazed madman closes to melee range on Jerodan. The crazed madman moves into a position to parry. The white-tailed leopard growls, "soounds like a confession" Jerodan glares at Subtracti. Redwagon just arrived. Sinstra raises an eyebrow. Subtracti says, "I won't say, nor do I pretend to fully understand." You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Khurek gazes intently at Redwagon. Terra gestures at a crazed madman. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a crazed madman! Fierce crackles roaring out like an angered beast, the cloud metamorphoses into vicious jaws which latch onto its left arm, fangs piercing straight through to ruin the limb while its electric makeup melts away the rest of the flesh and bone. The crazed madman is knocked completely senseless! Darkskye says, "Speculation aint a sin."

Khurek says, "Another favorless, how surprising." Khurek begins to advance on Redwagon.

Khurek says, "Another favorless, how surprising." Khurek begins to advance on Redwagon. Pibb nods. Pibb picks up a carving knife. Pibb kneels down. Pibb begins to carefully examine a carving knife. A ghoul drags itself into view. Pibb ponders. Pibb says, "Knives." Pibb nods. Pibb stands up. Pibb drops a carving knife. Jerodan slips seamlessly into the refrain of his enchante, the driving rhythm undiminished. The ghoul begins to advance on Pibb. A shimmering mirror of shadows appears momentarily in the air above, briefly revealing Asurun's face. Sinstra gives Khurek a slight nod. The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just went down. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just arrived. The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Blackndecker says to Pibb, "Tools of the perverse, I believe." The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Pibb nods to Blackndecker. Pibb tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a ghoul! The ghoul closes to melee range on Pibb. Pibb tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a ghoul! Terra seems to be concentrating intently on something. The ghoul begins to advance on Pibb. Blackndecker says to Pibb, "Quite suspicious." The ghoul discovers Subtracti, ruining her hiding place! Terra glances at Pibb. Pibb nods to Blackndecker. The ghoul discovers Subtracti, ruining her hiding place! Terra gestures at a ghoul. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a ghoul! With a ferocious crackle, the cloud grows and shifts into the mostly cohesive shape of a ballista bolt, which rams into its abdomen with enough force to lift it into the air, the glowing yellow force keeping it aloft. As the hRedwagon cloud dissipates, you see that its abdomen has been completely melted from the inside out. A ghoul collapses to the ground, letting out a final groan before ceasing all movement. Terra searches the ghoul. Subtracti stops advancing since a ghoul is dead. In a voice resounding with powerful pride, Jerodan brings his enchante to a halt, his eyes sparkling in triumph. Jerodan finishes his enchante. A ghoul decays away. You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Pibb says, "Many of the deranged have been fascinated by knives, throughout history." Pibb says, "The madmen here being one case." Like the long-awaited punch line to a joke, Terra's enchante seems to explode with the sound of laughter. Sinstra raises an eyebrow in Pibb's direction. Khurek says, "You three favorless need to stop being so immediately." Jerodan begins his song with powerful, vibrant tones, his voice filled with an unmistakeable resolve. Darkskye says, "Seems the area just reeks of necromancy." Stump just arrived. A madman just arrived! The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb. Jerodan sings each word of his song with unwavering resolve, a look of fierce conviction upon his face. Khurek gazes intently at Stump. Khurek says, "There." Pibb nods to Khurek. The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. Khurek gestures at Stump. A sparkling cloud of silver motes envelops his body like a mist of stars. Stump is viciously stunned by the haze of Holy energy whorling around him. The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Pibb. The crazed madman frantically runs around in circles. Pibb slings an ordinary shield off from over his shoulder. Subtracti begins to advance on a crazed madman. The crazed madman closes to melee range on Pibb. Terra blinks. Subtracti closes to pole weapon range on a crazed madman. Jerodan asks, "He is tainted?" Skeletor just arrived. Skeletor just went down. Terra asks, "How..?" The crazed madman begins to advance on Pibb.

A large flock of people rushes into the area! Though some are plainly robed, others are wearing thick armor. As their collective chants of rage fill the air, someone screeches, "There he is! Don't let him get away!" The crowd quickly converges on Stump, overpowers him and throws him to the ground as dozens of iron-gripped hands pin down his arms and legs.

From the midst of the grumbling crowd, a Gnomish inquisitor flanked by a pair of Kaldaran acolytes steps forward. She proclaims, "Put an end to his corruption before it ruins us all!" With that, the men and women holding Stump down bind his limbs, then back away slightly. One person from the crowd picks up a fist-sized stone, tossing it at Stump while muttering a curse! Another in the crowd does the same, and soon the air is thick with flying rocks. Stump desperately attempts to dodge, but more and more of them strike him. Within moments, he appears to be just a mass of bruises, with most of his bones broken.

* Stump is slain before your eyes!

The clerics in the group wave their censers superstitiously over Stump's body. As the cloying incense smoke mingles with the scent of death, the crowd leaves, all the while mumbling prayers against evil. Stump is outlined by a silvery corona for a moment.

Subtracti lands a good hit to the madman's back. The crazed madman closes to melee range on Pibb. Terra gestures at a crazed madman. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a crazed madman! Suddenly flattening out with an unusual popping sound, the cloud leaves trails of sparkling yellow particles in its wake before piercing cleanly through its neck, electric arcs melting and bubbling flesh and bone on either side as cranium and torso are implacably separated. The crazed madman falls to the ground and lies still. Pibb applauds. The white-tailed leopard growls, "was..." Sinstra says to Pibb, "You have far too much knowledge in these matters." Terra searches the crazed madman. A crazed madman decays away. You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes. Pibb says, "I have been well informed by my friend who is a scholar of magic." Pibb bows. Blackndecker nods. You notice as a white-tailed leopard snarls for a moment, then seems to calm down. Jerodan's song loses some of its force as he enters the next verse, though it still maintains a strident rhythm. Sinstra says to Pibb, "You have cuts on your right hand." Terra asks, "What sort of magic?" A shroud of vapor rises from Stump's corpse, dissipating rapidly from view. Pibb says, "The madmen got to me." Like the long-awaited punch line to a joke, Terra's enchante seems to explode with the sound of laughter. Jerodan's voice resounds with fierce resolve as he launches into the chorus of his enchante. An unmistakable calm settles over Jerodan's features, his eyes taking on a sharp, unwavering focus. Sinstra says to Blackndecker, "You also have cuts on your right hand, in exactly the same manner." Subtracti says, "These madmen are quite viscious." Subtracti gives a slight nod. Blackndecker nods to Sinstra. Sinstra says to Subtracti, "So do you." Khurek asks, "Didn't I just tell the favorless here to remove themselves out of my sight?" Blackndecker says, "I fell down the temple stairs trying to research some gods." Terra ponders. The white-tailed leopard growls, "interesting.." Jerodan frowns. Stump just arrived. The white-tailed leopard growls, "and favorless as well?" Pibb nods to Khurek. Pibb says, "As you wish, Inquisitor." Pibb bows. Scholarship Novice Pibb's group just went down. Darkskye ponders incen Terra ponders. Skeletor just arrived. Darkskye ponders inc Skeletor just went down. Sinstra raises an eyebrow. Terra says, "Something is not quite right here." Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group just went down. The white-tailed leopard growls, "that one didn't smell right from the begining" Temple Inquisitor Khurek's group just arrived. Subtracti says, "Death is not a diversion for me." Terra stops performing her enchante. The white-tailed leopard growls, "that one didn't smell right from the begining" Jerodan glances at Subtracti. Jerodan asks Subtracti, "Is that a confession?" Jerodan slips seamlessly into the refrain of his enchante, the driving rhythm undiminished. Subtracti says, "No such thing." Sinstra says to Subtracti, "Remove yourself from my sight, and gain favor, now." Subtracti says, "Confessions are for the guilty." Terra asks, "Why would a group of favorless individuals, all with cuts on their right hand, be gathered in such a peculiar place?" (Jerodan grips his scimitar) A madman just arrived! The crazed madman begins to advance on Subtracti. Slow, rich tones form a somber introduction as Terra begins to sing "Aether Wolves". The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Subtracti. Sinstra asks, "Isn't it obvious?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Subtracti. Khurek frowns at Stump. Stump looks startled and bolts to the fringes of the area. Subtracti looks startled and bolts to the fringes of the area. A crazed madman suddenly bolts to the fringes of the area. Jerodan sings each word of his song with unwavering resolve, a look of fierce conviction upon his face. A slender thread of melody emerges from the dark landscape of Terra's singing. [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] The hillcrest here once served the town in its more civilized days as a place for punishments and public executions. The remains of a wooden gallows still rise above you, and around the rim of the hill stand several wooden stocks. Each stock now holds a grinning mummified body, and surmounting the gallows, dangling from a silken noose, is a corpse arrayed in white linen robes. Even in death, there is a suggestion of madness and power about this figure. You also see a crazed madman, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a copper coin, a carving knife, some bronze coins, a copper coin, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a leather jerkin, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some flowing robes, a carving knife, some flight glue, a chipped marble mortar, a chipped marble mortar and some junk. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Shark Hunter Darkskye, Temple Inquisitor Khurek, Stump. Obvious paths: down. Sinstra says, "It is obvious they are involved in some sort of dark ritual." The high, clear notes of Terra's song define a drifting melody that easily soars into the higher reaches of her range. Terra asks, "Do you perceive any taint on them?" Sinstra searches around for a moment. The white-tailed leopard growls, "possible it's around here where they've been getting the taint?" You hear the voice of Subtracti say, "Dark is not the word for my doings." Khurek leans on his axe. Sinstra asks, "What is, then?" A black-tinged mist seems to rise in the room, then suddenly fades away again. You hear the voice of Subtracti say, "Curious." Sinstra frowns. Khurek squints. Terra blinks. Sinstra asks, "Did you see that?" The white-tailed leopard growls, "curious.. mist" Terra says, "A mist, dark as night." [Dirge, Gibbet Hill] The hillcrest here once served the town in its more civilized days as a place for punishments and public executions. The remains of a wooden gallows still rise above you, and around the rim of the hill stand several wooden stocks. Each stock now holds a grinning mummified body, and surmounting the gallows, dangling from a silken noose, is a corpse arrayed in white linen robes. Even in death, there is a suggestion of madness and power about this figure. You also see a crazed madman, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some bronze coins, a copper coin, a carving knife, some bronze coins, a copper coin, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a leather jerkin, some bronze coins, some copper coins, some flowing robes, a carving knife, some flight glue, a chipped marble mortar, a chipped marble mortar and some junk. Also here: Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Magistra Terra, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Shark Hunter Darkskye, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: down. Khurek says, "Yes, necromancy right before our eyes." Jerodan's song loses some of its force as he enters the next verse, though it still maintains a strident rhythm. Darkskye says, "Not a good sign." Terra draws each vocalized note out slowly, relucantly, in a wandering melody that gradually grows quieter. Sinstra says, "Aye." Khurek mutters a prayer and appears to grow calm. You notice as a white-tailed leopard snarls for a moment, then seems to calm down. You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slowly in the air. Sinstra says, "And the one escaped." The white-tailed leopard growls, "definetly necromancy.." Jerodan searches around for a moment. Jerodan's voice resounds with fierce resolve as he launches into the chorus of his enchante. An unmistakable calm settles over Jerodan's features, his eyes taking on a sharp, unwavering focus. You hear the voice of Subtracti say, "You are mistaken. The work of the mist is only a passage...Not necromancy itself." The white-tailed leopard growls, "perhaps he had to do with the mist?" Terra stops performing her enchante. Terra searches around for a moment. The crazed madman begins to advance on Jerodan. Subtracti comes out of hiding. Subtracti searches around for a moment. Terra asks, "A passage to what?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Jerodan. A murder of crows swoops low through the area, scanning the area for any discarded morsel of food. Khurek asks, "Passage, you say?" The crazed madman closes to melee range on Jerodan. The crazed madman moves into a position to parry. The white-tailed leopard growls, "soounds like a confession" Jerodan glares at Subtracti. Redwagon just arrived. Sinstra raises an eyebrow. Subtracti says, "I won't say, nor do I pretend to fully understand." You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Khurek gazes intently at Redwagon.

Terra gestures at a crazed madman. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a crazed madman! Fierce crackles roaring out like an angered beast, the cloud metamorphoses into vicious jaws which latch onto its left arm, fangs piercing straight through to ruin the limb while its electric makeup melts away the rest of the flesh and bone. The crazed madman is knocked completely senseless! Darkskye says, "Speculation aint a sin." Redwagon smiles at Khurek. Jerodan seems to be concentrating intently on something. Terra draws her right arm back and hurls something unseen at a crazed madman! A small lightning bolt hurtles toward a crazed madman! The lightning lands an extremely heavy hit to its left leg! You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Jerodan gestures at a crazed madman. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Jerodan's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of him. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a crazed madman! Fierce crackles roaring out like an angered beast, the cloud metamorphoses into vicious jaws which latch onto its left leg, fangs piercing straight through to ruin the limb while its electric makeup melts away the rest of the flesh and bone. A crazed madman screams and falls to the ground grasping its mangled left leg! The crazed madman screams one last time and lies still. Khurek says, "Another favorless, how surprising." Khurek begins to advance on Redwagon. Redwagon raises an eyebrow. Terra begins to weave a soft melody with her voice, though the obvious complexity of the verse is apparent by the look of concentration on her face. Khurek closes to pole weapon range on Redwagon. Sinstra gazes intently at Redwagon. Khurek closes to melee range on Redwagon. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at a crazed madman. Sinstra says, "He is tainted. And has the same cuts." Terra's singing builds to a fierce crescendo, then explodes away from her in concentric rings that sweep through the area. Redwagon falls to the ground, covering his head fearfully as he cowers against the ground. Khurek says, "He does." The last words of "Demrris' Resolve" die from Terra's lips, a mere whisper, as it comes to a close. Terra finishes her enchante. Redwagon asks, "Are you one of those Necromancers?" Subtracti says, "Murdering....with good intent I assume YOU would claim." Subtracti frowns at Khurek. The soft white glow fades from around Jerodan. The soft white glow fades from around Terra. The soft white glow fades from around Sinstra. The soft white glow fades from around Khurek. Redwagon continues to huddle against the ground, shivering slightly. Redwagon says, "I got attacked."

Redwagon continues to huddle against the ground, shivering slightly. Redwagon says, "I got attacked." Jerodan slips seamlessly into the refrain of his enchante, the driving rhythm undiminished. Redwagon says, "And now again." Redwagon sighs. Redwagon says, "I just wanted a knife." Redwagon stop shivering. Redwagon stands up. Khurek gazes intently at Redwagon. Sinstra says, "He is tainted to the core with foul necromancy." Terra says, "If you are so concerned with being attacked, perhaps you should gain favor with the Immortals." Redwagon says, "And then they stole my things." Subtracti draws forth an opal-hilted carving knife. Subtracti sheathes her carving knife. Redwagon says, "When I departed I lost it." Jerodan sings each word of his song with unwavering resolve, a look of fierce conviction upon his face. The white-tailed leopard growls, "perhaps this one knows then..." Terra frowns. Redwagon asks, "Knows about what?" Sinstra says, "Anyone who comes through here with the strange cuts on their hand is guilty." y asks, "Hunh?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Subtracti. Jerodan asks, "May we proceed to purge them?" Redwagon asks, "I'm guilty for getting attacked by a Gnome?" Subtracti says to Sinstra, "Injuries do not imply guilt." The crazed madman closes to melee range on Subtracti. The crazed madman moves into a position to parry. Jerodan peers quizzically at Sinstra. Redwagon asks, "And madmen?"

Subtracti says to Sinstra, "You have had injuries before." A crazed madman lands a solid hit to Subtracti's chest. Subtracti tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a crazed madman! Redwagon says, "He was a very angry Gnome." Khurek says, "We will investigate this one further." The crazed madman begins to advance on Subtracti.

"Stop right there!" The shout reverberates through the area as the guard charges towards Redwagon. "You're under arrest!" Redwagon seems to be in shock as the guard binds his hands and he is led off.

The guard returns afterwards, looking around sternly as if to showcase the fate of all lawbreakers. Appearing to have lost sight of its target, a crazed madman stops advancing. Appearing to have lost sight of its target, a crazed madman stops advancing. The crazed madman begins to advance on Jerodan.

You hear the voice of Zanndor exclaim, "Being killed by a gnome is blasphemy to Everild! Smite him!" The crazed madman closes to melee range on Jerodan. The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Jerodan.

Terra seems to be concentrating intently on something. Khurek says, "And about you." Sinstra says, "The plea of innocence is guilty of wasting our time." Khurek points at Subtracti, ruining her hiding place. Subtracti looks startled and bolts to the fringes of the area. A crazed madman suddenly bolts to the fringes of the area. A crazed madman suddenly bolts to the fringes of the area. Khurek begins to advance on Subtracti.

Khurek begins to advance on Subtracti. You hear the voice of Zanndor exclaim, "Smite I say!" Jerodan's voice resounds with fierce resolve as he launches into the chorus of his enchante. An unmistakable calm settles over Jerodan's features, his eyes taking on a sharp, unwavering focus. Khurek closes to pole weapon range on Subtracti. Khurek gazes intently at Subtracti. A slender thread of melody emerges from the dark landscape of Terra's singing. Khurek closes to melee range on Subtracti.

Subtracti asks, "No surprise that you are here harrassing anyone you can manage. Are you having a bad day or just misled?"

Terra peers quizzically at Subtracti. Subtracti gazes at Khurek. Khurek says, "Foolish snake." Sinstra says to Subtracti, "We are doing what the gods bid. Stopping you."

Terra says, "If you had nothing to worry about, I doubt you'd be so concerned with the entire affair." Subtracti looks startled and bolts to the fringes of the area. Khurek lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that slices through the neck and sends Subtracti's head flying through the air.

* Subtracti is slain before your eyes!

A panicked scream pierces the air. "Murderer!" You notice the nearby citizenry staring at Khurek briefly, before most quickly run off in fear. "Stop right there!" The shout reverberates through the area as the guard charges towards Khurek. "You're under arrest!" Khurek seems to be in shock as the guard binds his hands and he is led off.

The guard returns afterwards, looking around sternly as if to showcase the fate of all lawbreakers. You hear the ghostly voice of Subtracti ask Sinstra, "Stopping ME? from what?"

of Subtracti say, "Yes, this is getting a bit ridiculours."

The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Twandosknee. The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Twandosknee. Terra asks Twandosknee, "Are you lost?" Sinstra says to Twandosknee, "You are favorless." A ghoul just arrived! The ghoul begins to advance on Twandosknee. Terra smiles at Twandosknee. Jerodan asks Terra, "Teacher, would you happen to be in possession of a Halt scroll at this moment that you would share?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Twandosknee.

to pole weapon range on Twandosknee.

Terra shakes her head. The ghoul closes to pole weapon range on Twandosknee. Terra says, "I do not." Twandosknee tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a crazed madman! The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Twandosknee. The ghoul closes to melee range on Twandosknee. The ghoul moves into a position to parry. Terra inhales deeply before unleashing an ear-splitting shout directed at a ghoul. The concussive blast lands an extremely heavy hit against a ghoul's right arm! The ghoul begins to advance on Twandosknee. Twandosknee just went down. Terra gestures at a crazed madman. A crackling yellow haze forms up around Terra's form, quickly pooling up into a small, cohesive cloud in front of her. It quickly lurches forward in an erratic bolt at a crazed madman! With a ferocious crackle, the cloud grows and shifts into the mostly cohesive shape of a ballista bolt, which rams into its chest with enough force to lift it into the air, the glowing yellow force keeping it aloft. As the hRedwagon cloud dissipates, you see that its chest has been completely melted from the inside out. The crazed madman falls to the ground and lies still. Jerodan says, "It certainly would be handy." Jerodan nods to Terra. Terra searches the crazed madman. A crazed madman decays away. Appearing to have lost sight of its target, a ghoul stops advancing.

Twandosknee just arrived. You hear the voice of Turkishsilver say, "Nice that the cleric guild is sending out assassins to rid this land of foul commoners." Terra says to Jerodan, "We have ways of detaining folks."

You hear the voice of Subtracti say, "I am not surprised, Turkishsilver." Jerodan searches around for a moment.

The white-tailed leopard growls, "aiding those tainted by necromancy?" Sinstra says, "This place will be watched." Twandosknee just went down. Appearing to have lost sight of its target, a crazed madman stops advancing. Subtracti says, "Not surprised that I was killed for suspicion of having wounds on me."

You hear the voice of Turkishsilver say, "The nerve.. receiving wounds in a hunting area." Terra asks Jerodan, "Do you have it in memory?" The crazed madman closes to pole weapon range on Darkskye. Subtracti says, "Precisely." Jerodan nods to Terra. You hear the voice of Turkishsilver say, "That'll show you that dodging is important." The crazed madman closes to melee range on Darkskye. The crazed madman moves into a position to parry. Terra joins Sinstra's group. Canopaint just arrived. A crazed madman lunges a carving knife at Darkskye. Terra puts her tablet in her spidersilk sack. You notice as a white-tailed leopard sniffs the ground. Sinstra says, "Do not defy us." The crazed madman frantically runs around in circles.

Darkskye joins Sinstra's group. Terra searches the crazed madman. Sinstra says, "We do the work of the gods." A crazed madman decays away. Subtracti says, "You're killing all of my prey."

Sinstra says, "If need be, we will go through every last person in this town to check for the taint, and if need be, burn the entire place to the ground." You hear the voice of Turkishsilver ask, "So the gods requested you to come kill commoners?" Subtracti picks up some bronze coins. Jerodan says to Subtracti, "I believe you should take your new life and begin anew, starting with leaving this place and seeking the favor of the gods." Subtracti picks up some copper coins. Subtracti picks up some bronze coins. Subtracti picks up some copper coins. Subtracti picks up some bronze coins. Sinstra says, "The gods requested we stop necromancers." Subtracti picks up some copper coins. Subtracti picks up some bronze coins. Subtracti picks up some copper coins. You hear the voice of Turkishsilver say, "Think I saw some tainted sky giants." Terra says, "Your prey seemed to be killing you, earlier. I thought I was sparing you the trouble. But sure, take the loot." Sinstra says, "Mark my words. We will be watching." Temple Inquisitress Sinstra's group just went down. Subtracti grumbles. Sekraf just arrived. Subtracti says, "Ridiculous..." [Dirge, Hangman's Road] Jumbled rows of stone slabs, many stacked into untidy piles, catch your eye. You wonder as to their purpose as you pass among them along this dead path of cinders. Mixed among them are heaps of broken bones in no particular order or pattern that you can discern. The land here is dead beyond your imaginings, as if life had never existed and you yourself were but some vague phantasm hovering above a landscape that was never meant to be. You also see a crazed madman, a chipped marble mortar, a chipped marble mortar, a reinforced wooden box and a plain ironwood skippet. Also here: Magistra Terra, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Shark Hunter Darkskye, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra. Obvious paths: southeast, south, northwest. Temple Inquisitress Sinstra's group just went south.

Sinstra says, "I dislike this town." Terra shakes her head at Jerodan. Terra gets a clay tablet from inside her spidersilk sack. Jerodan nods at Sinstra, obviously agreeing with her views. The white-tailed leopard growls, "Darkstone has been through a lot.."

A madman crusted with dried blood glares around the area, eyes red-rimmed with madness. Terra offers Jerodan a clay table

Sinstra says, "I am heading back to the temple. We have found what we need to know."

Obvious paths: northeast, south. Sinstra asks, "This rabble?" The rotting Rakash begins to advance on Darkskye. Sinstra says, "Is the reason that we are doing this." The white-tailed leopard growls, "i'm sure khurek will deal with it.." The rotting Rakash closes to to pole weapon range on Darkskye. Darkskye draws forth a bastard sword. Sinstra gives a slight nod. The rotting Rakash closes to melee range on Darkskye. A mange-covered rotting Rakash claws at Darkskye. Sinstra seems to be concentrating intently on something. The white-tailed leopard growls, "i'm sure he's not happy about his arrest" A mange-covered rotting Rakash claws at Darkskye. Darkskye feints a bastard sword at a mange-covered rotting Rakash. The sword flashes with a white light and lands a solid hit to its right arm! A mange-covered rotting Rakash claws at Darkskye. Darkskye steps backward and then slices at a mange-covered rotting Rakash. The sword flashes with a white light and lands an extremely heavy hit that cleaves its right arm from its shoulder with a wet sucking sound! Sinstra seems to be concentrating intently on something.

[The Crossing, Immortals' Approach] This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames flicker from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see a high granite wall surrounding the temple grounds, the locked almsbox and the Longbow Bridge. Also here: Magistra Terra, Apprentice Bard Jerodan, Shark Hunter Darkskye, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra. Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

Sinstra gets a glowing Aldauth orb from inside her nightsilk backpack. Sinstra just went through a lacquered mahogany gate.

[Temple Grounds, Entry Gates] The immense outer walls of the temple meet here, a thick lacquered mahogany gate acting as their mediator. The hardwood entrance has been banded with sturdy bars of steel to ensure its stamina in the most dire of times. A cobblestone path leads to the north, winding off into the various parts of the temple grounds. You also see a low mahogany building, a white-robed monk and a battered canvas tent with a large gladiola painted on the exterior. Also here: Magistra Terra, Temple Inquisitress Sinstra, Redwagon, Brother Ventuul, Temple Inquisitor Khurek. Obvious paths: north. Sinstra puts her orb in her nightsilk backpack. Terra puts her orb in her charm bag. Darkskye came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Terra moves a clay tablet to her right hand. Terra bows to Ventuul. Khurek says to Sinstra, "Dirge. Dirge. Always Dirge." Ventuul bows to Terra. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Darkskye for a moment. Redwagon says, "It's sacred to somebody."

Darkskye nods to Ventuul. Sinstra nods to Khurek. You see a faint glow from the backpack on Sinstra. Darkskye smiles at a white-robed monk. You see a faint glow from the bag on Terra. Ventuul nods to Darkskye. Darkskye says, "Nice to see you again."

Sinstra says, "It is not difficult to tell the difference between battle wounds and ritual cuts used for foul Necromancy." Redwagon says, "No." Redwagon says, "It isn't." Redwagon says, "And I was found innocent." Jerodan came through a lacquered mahogany gate. Redwagon smiles at Sinstra. You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Jerodan for a moment. Jerodan secures his scimitar to his harness. It rattles against the bastard sword secured to his harness, and he adjusts them. Terra offers Jerodan a clay tablet. Redwagon asks, "Now will you help me find the graverobber?" Terra says, "Tercysn and his blaspheming thoughts are bordering on annoying."

Sinstra says to Redwagon, "If you gain favor, you will not need to worry about graves and said graves being robbed." Jerodan says to Terra, "I have it commited to memory Teacher." Khurek says to Redwagon, "You are pushing your luck, Human." Terra praises Jerodan. Darkskye puts his orb in his thigh pouch. Redwagon says, "My apologies." Darkskye glances at Redwagon. Ventuul rummages through a mottled reaver-hide sack with bone-tipped strings with a frantic look of loss. Redwagon says, "Being as you two follow Aldauth." Redwagon asks, "Does my favoring Kertigen offend?" Khurek says, "No." Terra clucks her tongue and shakes her head. Sinstra says, "It does not." You notice a white-tailed leopard sniff at Jerodan for a moment. Khurek says, "Make sure He favors you as well." Khurek frowns at Redwagon. Sinstra says to Khurek, "He does not favor this one at all." Sinstra gestures at Redwagon. You notice as a white-tailed leopard snarls for a moment, then seems to calm down. Ventuul says to Redwagon, "It is your belief that they should have anything to do with finding your misplaced belongings that is offensive, I believe." Redwagon says, "Oh." Redwagon says, "Well the one fellow threw himself at me." Redwagon shrugs. Sinstra says to Khurek, "Perhaps it is time to fill the dungeon again." The brilliant silver glow dissipates from Darkskye. Darkskye asks, "Do your plans involve heading into Therengia?" Khurek says, "After today's events, quite possibly." Darkskye glances at Khurek. Sinstra says, "For now, we focus on Dirge." Darkskye nods. Khurek says, "Therengia? We haven't heard any disturbing news from Therengia yet." Ventuul asks, "Is there anything you need done is regards to the town?" Darkskye says, "Its rather quiet." Darkskye says, "We have been told to watch the border." Sinstra says, "I will put in the arrest orders for the guards immediately, as well as those for those residents that have suspicious cuts." Garagedoor asks Sinstra, "Been kidnapping again?" Lashes lowered, Sinstra sinks down in a deep curtsy before Khurek. You notice as a white-tailed leopard waves its tail slowly in the air. A leopard seems to relax somewhat. Temple Inquisitress Sinstra just went north. Garagedoor nods to a white-robed monk. Redwagon asks, "Are you looking for followers of Botolf?" Garagedoor asks Khurek, "To what do we owe the Honor of your visit?" Redwagon peers quizzically at Khurek.Terra peers quizzically at Redwagon. Ventuul's eyes darken with thought, and his tail grows very still. Terra asks Redwagon, "What are you talking about?" Redwagon says, "That's the one who Dirge is sacred to." Redwagon nods to Terra. Terra says, "Dirge seems to have fallen under the taint of some necromantic activity. That is what they were looking for." The white-tailed leopard growls, "there was a priest who worked with Twando that did rituals to Botolf" Redwagon asks, "Isn't that some sort of blood sacrifice type thing?" Ventuul glances at Khurek. Redwagon peers quizzically at Terra. Terra says, "However corrupt Botolf may be during times of his schemes, he is not unholy nor does he tolerate the filth of necromancy." Temple Inquisitor Khurek just went north. The white-tailed leopard growls, "the sorcerer was disposed of, not sure of his priest.."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Zoluren Events (14), by POWERHAUS on the forums.