Segoltha South Bank

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The South Bank of the Segoltha River serves to allow passengers to travel between the city of Crossing and the Southern Trade Route that leads to Leth Deriel. Transport between the two locations is achieved by use of the ferries Hodierna's Grace and Kertigen's Honor which offer to take passengers from one place to the other.

The South Bank is also a place where Private Ships are allowed to dock.

[Southern Trade Route, Segoltha South Bank]
The southern bank of the Segoltha River presents a wide, flat flood plain far to the east and west. The alluvial soil here is deep brown and fertile, nourished by the unpredictable rains that cause the river to rise rapidly and without warning. Off in the distance to the south, you can spy the crests of trees. This marks the boundary of the Endrus Forest, which surrounds the fabled Elven stronghold of Leth Deriel. You also see Alfren's Tollbridge.
Obvious paths: south.