Talk:Graverobber (2)

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You are certain that it is about as strong as you are. (38 STR)
You are certain that it is about as agile as you are. (34 AGIL)
You are certain that it is about as disciplined as you are. (30 DISC)
You are certain that it is somewhat less quick to react than you are. (45 REF)
You are certain that it is about as conditioned as you are.
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with an obsidian black shield and a deep crimson claymore, you are certain that the %race% graverobber is a solid opponent.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a deep crimson claymore, you are certain that the %race% graverobber is an easy opponent.
If you attacked with a deep crimson claymore, you are certain that the enemy would train rather well. (246 Twohanded Edge)
If you threw the claymore at the enemy you are certain that it would train exceptionally well, but you probably won't be landing many blows.
If you defended by parrying attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train acceptably. (275 Parry)
If you defended by evading attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train very well. (211 Evasion)
If you defended by blocking attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train acceptably. (298 Shield)
If you attempted to beguile the enemy with tactics, you are certain that it would train somewhat poorly. (348 Tactics)
If you targeted and cast a spell at the enemy, you are certain that it would train very well, provided you can land a spell. (202 Targeted)
If you attempted to debilitate the enemy, you are certain that it would train rather well. (258 Debilitation)
The graverobber appears immune to cold and fire.

Dancing with four at melee, would hit me rarely, only taking light-grazing hits with their dagger, wearing Heavy Plate.

A lame Gnome graverobber:
   Estimated Creature Level = 56
   Estimated Creature Level = 56
   Estimated Creature Level = 56
 Overall estimated creature level = 56
A musty Human graverobber:
   Estimated Creature Level = 56
   Estimated Creature Level = 56
   Estimated Creature Level = 56
 Overall estimated creature level = 56